Saturday, August 28, 2010


OK i am sorry i haven't posted in a bit but well you know how life just kinda gets away from you.
Well so um hi. so lets start with a rant!! This week's rant is sponsored by well me :)
  1. OH MY BOB!  What is with people and cutting me off in the store. Every store i go to someone cuts me off, i mean besides my dad.
  2. What is with the hot weather at night. I mean come on it is 9:30pm and it is like 91,92 like wow.
  3. Noo one waving to me when I walk to the fitness room,they all look at me like i am insane.
  4. What is up with my really bad dancing
Ok yes i know that was short but i have other things to talk about,like my c25k. c25k is Couch 2 5k it is a running plan that slowly works you into running long distances. It is a 9 week program. Here is the link: give it a poke *poke poke*. So I am on week 1 day 3 i am thinking I will have to do week 1 two times and that is the best part you can take as long as you need to. Does anyone besides me get dizzy headbanging? Also Isn't the Phantom of the Opera (original cast) like the best thing ever? Well i have to walk the dog so more soon.
