Sunday, August 15, 2010

my workout yeaserday and today

8/13/10 Workout
  1. Treadmill=5 min warm-up walk at 1.5mph, 20min cool down 1 min at 1.5mph
  2. Leg Extensions block 6=10 reps
  3. Tricep push down block 6=10 reps
  4. leg Curls block 4=10 reps
  5. Seated row block 7=10 reps no probs
  6. Lat pulldown block 7=10 reps no probs
  7. Extensions block 7=10 reps
  8. pushdown block 6=10 reps
  9. curls block 5=10 reps
  10. row block 8=10reps
  11. lat block 8=10 reps
  12. NEW!! Sit-ups =30 almost failure (will cover that in a min) 
  13. NEW!! bicycle crunches= 30 almost failure
  14. Stretch 
 Yesterday's workout
  1. Treadmill=warm-up, walk, no cool down
  2. Extensions block 7=10 reps
  3. Pushdown block 7=10 reps
  4. Curls block 5=10 reps
  5. Row block 8=10 reps
  6. Lats block 8=10reps 
 I was going to do more lifting and every thing but i was getting really tired and i had to pee like BAD and there is no bathroom right there. There's a bathroom at the office and here at the apartment not at the fitness room which like sucks but oh well that's life.
Now i said something about failure. Now one of the websites i go to says failure is when you fully work you muscles to the point that they can not take additional repetition, and that you should always take your post-warm-up sets to this point and some times past that point. Now that being said the number does very for the exercise you are doing. i don't know how many that would be for me in all honesty i don't want to know because i live at the back of the complex and i walk to the workout room so i have to have non-jelly legs so i can get home now i could call mom and go "Mommy i worked out to hard come pick me up please" and she would say no so i don't think i will be going to failure any time soon well of my own accord  now if i was forced i would but not likely. 

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