Tuesday, August 31, 2010

3 in a row!!

We should all thank Dolphinlady for today's post: My Music. This shall be in list form
  1. Well first and foremost my fav right now is The Phantom of the Opera the Original London cast 
  2. Nickelback
  3. Avril Lavigne
  4. Green Day
  5. The Jolly Rogers
  6. "Weird Al" Yankovic
  7. Tim McGraw
  8. Toby Keith
  9. Greese
  10. GNR (Guns N' Roses)
  11. Hollywood Undead
  12. Michelle Branch
  13. Casada
  14. Kid Rock
  15. Lonestar
  16. Queen
  17. Disney
  18. Nightwish
  19. Warrent
  20. MCR (My Chemical Romance)
  21. Motley Crue
  22. Metallica
That is just a taste of my likes.

Warning the following is a Flip out:
Why do the maintenance  dudes drive on the lawn i am scared very time i go out that i am going to get ran over because they drive like crazy dude!

Ok im good now

Yesterdays post

Wow 2 days in a row I am on a roll. So if you go down to the bottom of the page you will see 2 new things both tickers. Now a ticker-thingy is a count down/up thing.  Okay i don't know you would have to ask my mom. So anyway, the ticker with the soccer balls is my weight loss thing. It is where I am going to track my weight loss (OMG i am using something that it is designed for, wow) so once a week that will be updated. The second one is the countdown to the new book in a series I like called The House of Night.  It is a vampyre series. So once a week there will be a weight loss post followed by a normal (as normal as they get) post. So part of the weight loss journey (no, not the band) is losing 100 pounds in 10 months. That will be a challenge I am up for (not) so all I ask of you, the readers, is that if my weight is up to please, please, please encourage me all you can, this is going to be really hard, that is if you don't mind helping me in that tiny way, and if you do then well you suck and get over it and help darn it! So it is vote time: Who thinks mom needs to update and so does Nora? I do, I do, I do!!! Well all for now.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


OK i am sorry i haven't posted in a bit but well you know how life just kinda gets away from you.
Well so um hi. so lets start with a rant!! This week's rant is sponsored by well me :)
  1. OH MY BOB!  What is with people and cutting me off in the store. Every store i go to someone cuts me off, i mean besides my dad.
  2. What is with the hot weather at night. I mean come on it is 9:30pm and it is like 91,92 like wow.
  3. Noo one waving to me when I walk to the fitness room,they all look at me like i am insane.
  4. What is up with my really bad dancing
Ok yes i know that was short but i have other things to talk about,like my c25k. c25k is Couch 2 5k it is a running plan that slowly works you into running long distances. It is a 9 week program. Here is the link:http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml give it a poke *poke poke*. So I am on week 1 day 3 i am thinking I will have to do week 1 two times and that is the best part you can take as long as you need to. Does anyone besides me get dizzy headbanging? Also Isn't the Phantom of the Opera (original cast) like the best thing ever? Well i have to walk the dog so more soon.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

my workout yeaserday and today

8/13/10 Workout
  1. Treadmill=5 min warm-up walk at 1.5mph, 20min cool down 1 min at 1.5mph
  2. Leg Extensions block 6=10 reps
  3. Tricep push down block 6=10 reps
  4. leg Curls block 4=10 reps
  5. Seated row block 7=10 reps no probs
  6. Lat pulldown block 7=10 reps no probs
  7. Extensions block 7=10 reps
  8. pushdown block 6=10 reps
  9. curls block 5=10 reps
  10. row block 8=10reps
  11. lat block 8=10 reps
  12. NEW!! Sit-ups =30 almost failure (will cover that in a min) 
  13. NEW!! bicycle crunches= 30 almost failure
  14. Stretch 
 Yesterday's workout
  1. Treadmill=warm-up, walk, no cool down
  2. Extensions block 7=10 reps
  3. Pushdown block 7=10 reps
  4. Curls block 5=10 reps
  5. Row block 8=10 reps
  6. Lats block 8=10reps 
 I was going to do more lifting and every thing but i was getting really tired and i had to pee like BAD and there is no bathroom right there. There's a bathroom at the office and here at the apartment not at the fitness room which like sucks but oh well that's life.
Now i said something about failure. Now one of the websites i go to says failure is when you fully work you muscles to the point that they can not take additional repetition, and that you should always take your post-warm-up sets to this point and some times past that point. Now that being said the number does very for the exercise you are doing. i don't know how many that would be for me in all honesty i don't want to know because i live at the back of the complex and i walk to the workout room so i have to have non-jelly legs so i can get home now i could call mom and go "Mommy i worked out to hard come pick me up please" and she would say no so i don't think i will be going to failure any time soon well of my own accord  now if i was forced i would but not likely. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My day today

Hey everyone it's me Miss goofy,
So this morning my knee hurt and I wasn't sure is I was going to be able to workout,but this afternoon i was able to with no probs. so my workout today was:
Treadmill: 30mins @3mph=1.42 miles 
Leg extensions: block 7 =10 reps
Leg curls:block 4 =10reps
tricep push down:block 6 =10 reps
seated row:block 6 =10 reps
lat pulldown: block 7=10reps
leg extensions:block 7=10 reps 
I was going to do more lifting and 30 more min on the treadmill but I was getting kinda tired and knew if I did more i might get hurt so i decided to stop i will do more tomorrow.

So my mom left me a comment and said she would like to see more goals on here so lets do this thang:
goal #1: this one will take a bit of explaining so bear with me here. OK i am built for the goalie position  but i want to be a forward so goal #1 is to defy the odds and become a forward. Now that is not going to be easy but i can do it
goal #2: learn to play the piano 
goal #3: learn to cook/bake
Well all for now

Miss Goofy

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hello World Here I Come!!!

Hi I'm Miss Goofy you may know me from my mom's blog Morning Coffee with Micki. So this is my blog this is  where i will post my random thoughts as well as i will track my weight stuff. 
So I am a girl on a mission to not only make it through this crazy whirl-wind thing that they call life but to change my life still from overweight teenage girl to a healthy curvy teenage girl, It's my life and i should enjoy it and not be held back by my weight. So this is where i say a little bit about who i am, so lets do this thing.
Name:Miss goofy.
My weight: 274LB's
My goal weight: 155LB's
Things like: music (I would say who but that in its self is a blog post) Ice cream, swimming, working-out, blogging, soccer
Things I don't like:schoolwork, cheerleaders who call sideline cheering a sport(once again blog post by its self) cliques , People who think they are better than everyone elise, people who cut me off in the grocery store, and generally people who are stupid.
So welcome to my blog. I hope i don't upset anyone.

Thank you for reading my post
Miss goofy