Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years and the memory is still clear

Today 10 years ago the twin towers fell. The first plane hit WTC1 or the North tower first at 8:46am. The hole the plane made went from the 92nd floor to the  98th floor. (To find this information I typed "what tower was hit first on 9/11" and clicked the first link thus getting the info I have stated.)
I was 7 years old and living in California.

I was in bed asleep when the tower was hit.  My mom came and got me up around 7 then pulled me to the couch where she, me and my dad sat and watched the news cast. After a few minutes mom got up and called my school asking if there would be classes that day. (I was in public school at the time) Believe it or not there were. Mom was shocked. Classes? After what was happening? What was wrong these people?! In fact that played a strong part in her pulling me from the public school system  to homeschool me. She told the school I would not be comming to class that day and then came back to the couch to sit with dad and I. We sat there mom and dad in shock and I...well I was 7 and didn't really understand what was happening. All I really knew and understood was that, some really bad men had crashed planes into some really flipping tall buildings. We sat there and watched the footage as a family....untill I got board and wandered off. 

10 years  and countless hours on youtube later I know what the towers look liked when they fell. I can tell you the main reaction and most likely yours as well. I can also tell you that there are many, many, many conspiracy's. There are the government conspiracies, the terrorism conspiracies and even an alien conspiracies.  That is all I am going to say on that part of this. 
10 years  and countless hours on youtube later I know what the towers look liked when they fell. I can tell you the main reaction and most likely yours as well. I can also tell you that there are many, many, many conspiracy's. There are the government conspiracy's, the terrorism conspiracy's and even an alien conspiracy's.  That is all I am going to say on that part of this. 

To end this post I will simply say that my heart and thoughts are with all who lost a loved one on this day 10 years ago. May your pain ease more and more with each passing year.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Song quiz!!!!

Ello!! It is my first song quiz!!  You must name the song name BUT artist is not needed at all. This will be open until Monday at noon Pacific time. I think I have comment mod turned on.  Here we go! 

Song 1) I'll be at the studio singing the song we wrote about a girl he used to know 

Song 2) can't say I'm not alive
You know I wouldn't want it any other way
Song 3)I have never heard that song before
But if I don't hear it anymore
Song 4) He just kept sayin' life is like a box of chocolates
Song 5)I'm an ordinary guy burnin' down the house)
Song 6) (I'm only good as I gotta be)
Song 7) (You shaved off my eyebrows while I was asleep
Song 8) (tomorrow we'll rise, so we fight today)
Song 9) (You want that body back, you had at seventeen.)
Song 10) (I never learned my alphabet from A to Zed )
Song 11) (I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold)
Song 12) (All you will see is a girl you once knew)
Song 13) (Prime time ain't no time to think
All you do is make yourself a TV dinner)
Song 14) (Well, I ain't never been Barbie doll type)
Song 15) (Do you know what's worth fighting for?)
Song 16) (You and me are gas and matches)
Song 17) (One thousand one nights unseen
The philosopher and the queen)
Song 18) (I know it sounds crazy, but I bought a guitar)
Song 19) (I'll teach you the proper ploys
When you talk to boys_
Song 20)May a moody baby doom a yam?) 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Elsie's update.

It has come to my attention, that Kaite can't spell my name.  I have decided that until she correctly spells my name, I'm not going to spell hers correctly.  Take that Kaite.

In other news, someone said something to Kaite about wondering how I brokeded the plate.  Um, in my last update I never said I brokeded it.  I said I'd tell you how it got brokeded.  And so now, I will tell the tale.

Nora and Pito were playing hopscotch.  In the kitchen.  I was being a good little elephant and keeping score for them.  Pito throwed the ball and it flew right past second base.  As he was chasing it down, Nora ran into the end zone and spiked the hockey stick.  About that time, George and Fred jumped out of their tree house and yelled boo to Pito. Pito was startled and slipped on a mackerel that Robert had set down when he went to get a drink.  Robert was very upset when he saw the footprint on his fish. Nora promised to get Robert another fish and grabbed Daddy's car keys.  Pito realized they were going on a trip and ran to catch up with her.  They headed to the local Super Wally World and got a good price on hamburger.  Nora shaped the ground beef into fish shapes while Pito drove.  When they got home, Nora gave them to Robert.  He said it wasn't a fish.  Nora argued that she made it a fish.  

Then the doggie walked into the kitchen and scareded Daddy who was making a sandwich.  Daddy droppeded the plate and it fell on the floor and brokeded.  

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Love, Elsie

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So Elise will post

This is my post Elise. You told me that I had to go first. Here ya go.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Elsie's update

Hello World!

It's 2011 and I decided to make a New Year's Resolution.

So my resolution for this year is simple.

To be nice to Miss Goofy. She is very nice to me and I'm not always nice to her.  I'd like to change that. 

So that's my update.  Tune in next week when I tell you how the plate got broked.

Thank you Elsie! Now our top story tonight. Energizer bunny arrested charged with battery. HAHAHAHAHA I love that joke!

*Note: I do not own that joke. I found it. End note*